Sunday, February 03, 2008

So How High is this Sky

Too often I have heard the famous statment 'The sky is the limit'.

Recently I have come to wonder, how high is this sky? and is it lower for some people because of their economic, religious or cultural status? For many years I thought this was so - that dreams were dictated by current economic status, that goals were limited by religious belief, and that living the life was defined by cultural background, yet all the time it didn't seem right. But I had neither reason against it, nor the direction - at least not quite what I later got.

In the last very few years, some key persons have continuously, and very often unknowingly, guided me in this path.

Thanks to these, the sky's limit is only as far as my imagination can reach, and I'm hell-bent to discover the bounds of my imagination. With it, my economic status will be, ... precisely that - mine, what I mean it to be, depending on how I regard any current economic status. Religious belief - hey, if God created the world, and gave me my imagination, and the power to differ right from wrong, then I fear no danger in that aspect. By cultural status - that's what makes life so rich.

A toast to life!

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